<\/span>Reportedly, in the late 1800s a man in New York named George Colby was told in a seance that he should found a Spiritualist community in the south.\u00a0 He took off for Florida, guided by his Native American spirit guide, and founded Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp in 1894.\u00a0 He also apparently had Tuberculosis upon arrival, but drank from a local spring and was healed.<\/p>\n
<\/span>What its a Spiritualist Camp?\u00a0 A religious group practicing Spiritualism, a movement popularized in the mid to late part of the 19th century emphasizing communication with the spirit world.\u00a0 While the movement holds its ground in places like Cassadaga, it’s largely fallen out of public favor, probably in large part caused by phony mediums and parlor tricks widely used in the Victorian era.<\/p>\n
<\/span>Fast forward a hundred some odd years, and Cassadaga is still going strong.\u00a0 A community full of certified psychic mediums that regularly holds seances, psychic development classes, and historical tours.\u00a0 They welcome guests with open arms to learn more about their religion and history.\u00a0 You can find out more about their current offerings as well as any questions you may have about their religious beliefs on their website www.cassadaga.org.<\/a><\/p>\n
<\/span>(Yes, you can literally drink the kool-aid)<\/p>\n