*Guest Post* Diving in Dubai

Hey guys!  It’s my pleasure to introduce my newest guest contributor, Lelo.  She’s amazing and if you like what you read, please check out her Blog and show some love. Lelo Patience Klaas is a content marketer and a blogger that loves to write about all sorts of things especially luxury accommodation, travel destinations and…

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Hamburg’s Nautical Culture

There are “tourist hub” cities that visitors flock to for their attractions, activities, or natural beauty; places you see to tick boxes and fill instagram profiles.  Hamburg does offer most of these things, however what struck me most was it’s culture and livability.  Hamburg is definitely a city where people live, work, and have fun…

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The Must See Spots in Thailand

If your Thailand flights are booked, you’re in for a very exciting ride. Whether you’re splashing the cash or traveling on a budget, there are so many amazing sights. Here are some of the top things to do and see that justify your airfare to Indochina: Relaxing in the Tropics There are so many picturesque…

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